He says on his website he's a "survivor" and "AIDS activist." The only surviving he did was survive a prison stint for damaging countless lives as a drug pusher and him saying he's an 'AIDS activist' is just unbelievable when all he's doing is using his HIV status as a way in to say God wants you to not be in a gay loving relationship. A real HIV/AIDS activist brings awareness to the disease, Yuan brings awareness God has issues with you being gay while he has HIV, big difference. The fact he doesn't mind being used by the anti-gay religious who have no compassion for gays who have HIV/AIDS, the same people who believe that the disease is a "sow what you reap" because of being gay, shows how clueless he is with insulting the audience he's trying to reach.
Someone left a comment on Yuan's old blog years back and I print it here because it clinches it for me with which path is the right one:
Dear Christopher,
Gay or straight, we are all subject to the risks of pornography, drugs, and HIV.
Being gay or straight is not a choice, just like being black, white, or yellow. But choosing pornography is a choice. Choosing to take drugs is a choice. Choosing to be a drug dealer is a choice. Choosing casual sex, choosing not to talk about and not practice safe sex with your partner(s), choosing not to ask your partner(s) to get tested, those are choices. Please take responsibility for your own actions.
I am also Chinese. I knew I was gay when I was 13 year old. I was the in closet in High School and College, not having a single gay friend. When I saw my straight friends getting serious in their relationships getting married, I knew I wanted that too. I wanted to find the person I love, find the person that loves for who I am, find my soul mate. In coming out, I reached out for support from an Asian support group called GAPSN. My first meeting at GAPSN was "Coming Out" to parents. I came out to my parents after that meeting. My second meeting at GAPSN was "HIV and AIDS", I went to this meeting with my boy friend, and we learned to talk about this uncomfortable issue together.
That was 20 years ago. I am happy to say today I've been in a loving committed relationship with my soul mate for 13 years. My soul mate is also Christian. My brother, sister, and mother are also Christian. My father is Buddhist. My soul mate's family members are also Christians. Dreams do come true. I am getting married to my soul mate next weekend in CA. All of our families and friends have been very supportive and encouraging.
My sister and mother went to your talk, and told me about you. I read the hand out that was passed out during your presentation. It was heart breaking to read that hand out called "Rebel w/o a cause", specifically the 2 page argument against "Same-sex marriage." Will you have happiness by taking away the wishes and dreams of millions of committed loving same-sex couples? We know many same-sex couples who've been together for decades, where their life's dream is to be married one day. The path you have taking in your efforts in denying so many committed couples their hopes, dreams, and happiness, will that bring you happiness?
You are gay Chinese. I am also gay Chinese. We have taking very different paths in coming to terms with who we are. "I shall not bear false witness." With courage and honesty comes love and honesty.
Being HIV+ does not mean you have to give up your hopes and dreams. I pray to God that one day, you will find your soul mate, that you will have happiness.
God Bless,
P.S.: I also do talks. I do talks for the younger generations of Asian gays, like older generation have done for me when I was a young adult. The talks I do are about love, commitment, responsibilities, marriage, honesty, and courage. I know that through my talks, gays will be less likely to choose the path you have chosen of unsafe sex, drugs, drug dealing, and HIV. Gay or straight, we all want love, commitment and marriage.

What REAL AIDS activists look like.