Lay Christians like to listen to "Preachers" rather than real Bible "Teachers." The latter can go to the Bible languages of Christ and Paul to get what both were saying. Having a familiarity with the ancient texts outside the Bible is also a tool they go to that shines a better light on certain passages. We know the story of the good Samaritan, but if you go to the outside sources of the Bible, you'll know that the Jews and the Samaritans were mortal enemies, and knowing that gives more depth to the Samaritan story with making him different from the previous two passerby's who saw the robbed man on the side of the road.
Old school "Preachers," like Charles Stanley, talk from a cursory read of the Bible that they picked up at a local Christian book store and that's the extent of their knowledge of the passages. Bible scholars are just too involved and they need you to invest in studying with them and the average Pew Christian just doesn't want to bother when they can have people like Stanley around to spoon-feed on subjects they don't have a vested interest in like homosexuality. It helps Stanley in that he comes off like a kindly grandpa who must know what he's talking about because he's been around longer than you.
Stanley did a segment on his "In Touch Ministries" show about a gay Christian whose parents are having all kinds of problems with him because he won't follow the Christianity of his parents' preachers who condemn him, instead, he follows the Christianity taught by teachers and that doesn't sit well with Stanley at all who makes it sound it's all about the gay Christian's "feelings." Stanley believes gays have no joy or happiness no matter what gays say. He once gave this corny line; "(Homosexuality) leads to one place of extreme emptiness where wind and sorrow breach the soul," what he would LIKE to believe. He hints the son of this couple is going to Hell, unlike a Tim Keller I just posted on, and that the parents should make the life of their Christian gay son miserable, bringing a misery, ironically, that isn't coming from homosexuality, but coming from his Christian parents with not accepting him and if they don't? They are disobeying God Himself according to Stanley.
A little story...
A few years ago a gay pride parade had a route going past his church. Needless to say, Stanley was furious and told his churchgoers to stand outside on the church steps and scream Scripture and condemnation at them (the media reported they screamed anti-gay slurs). Across the street was Methodist church St. Marks who instead of screaming and accusing, passed out plastic cups of water to the parade passerby's because it was a hot day. Who was the greater of the two with the witness of the Gospel?
Don't ask Stanley.
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