There are post drafts I made over the months I was going to post on my blog, but I never posted them for one reason or another. These are some of them.
This post title was called "Wretched Man:"
Todd Friel is the man in the video who has a popular web show called "Wretched." Friel believe there are 3 types of homosexuals. "Bread and Butter" homosexuals, homosexuals who fight for rights, and gay Christians like me who are the only ones who are the real "enemy" out of the 3. He's also a playdate pal with James White.
I've posted about street preachers before and this is yet another shining example of their error. Everyone who doesn't agree with Friel in the crowd he dismisses with; "Oh, they hate God." Maybe he should take into account those listening to him, like this girl in this Wretched YouTube episode called "Wretched: Tearful woman confronts open-air preacher" (in case the vid doesn't load), don't hate God, but hates how Friel is giving the message with what is in no love. This is Todd speaking from a place of smug pride in his spirit and anything this girl says he could care less about no matter how sincere she is trying to be with him. Christ and Paul never heaped condemnation on passerby's at the corners of gathering places, they OFFERED the "Good News"(euaggelizó that in the Greek translates as "Good News" or "Good Tidings" in Cor 15:1) of salvation. The Prophets were hand chosen by God to preach very specific warnings that were a very different message from the Christ-centered/love-centered Gospel of the Kingdom we are to give now. John the Baptist was in the line of the old prophets and didn't know the Kingdom message because it wasn't yet given, but that doesn't stop street preachers who liken themselves as modern-day Johns who take their message to another level with in your face obnoxiousness that John never did.
You don't think every single one of those people in the crowd where he's at hasn't (probably another college campus) heard the Bible message? They grew up with it. Friel missed the mark when instead of reaching out in love to this woman who was clearly in pain, he badgered her into tears. He couldn't put down his playbook of street preaching lines and Bible quote spouting to open his ears, or his heart, with compassion in loving her with what was a place of hurt she was coming from.
This post had no header:
I really believe countering anti-gay theology is like facing down a Doctrine of Devils. It does affect me on a spiritual level that's hard to describe. Satan will never let it sit well with any effort in trying to turn others from this heresy of using the Bible to condemn gay men and women, even if I reached one person. I can say my personal testimony alone reached many on a gay Christian site with comment after comment with how it has blessed them and it's changed others who hated me in a debate, my blog has been read throughout the world because I keep tabs on the traffic coming in. Nothing is without a price and my efforts over the years with this has done damage in my personal life from even some close to me. Please, I'm not saying Satan is chasing me down the street in my boxers/brief hybrid shorts, but I believe in spiritual warfare and as a spiritual being fighting for a spiritual truth, evil principalities and powers can't but help affect me on a very real level.
Apparently I had a fascination with nuns at one time.
This was going under my "images" tag:
Showing posts with label Todd Friel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Todd Friel. Show all posts
Dear Dad...
This was the set-up of the above video since deleted. On the stage of an Evangelical conference, Todd Friel reads two letters from fathers to their gay sons who just came out to them. The first letter was the Christian father saying he's sorry to his son, but he never wants to hear from or see him again and to please don't contact him or his mother again. Ending the letter with the gall of saying "God Bless."
The second letter is from a pastor who also says his son is living a life contrary to God and he will never accept it or condone it, but he won't take the step to disown him. Instead, if the son decides to visit the family for the holidays, there are "rules" he needs to follow in the house the father says he must abide by.
This was my response:
Both letters are saying "My Way or the Highway" with the first father not even giving his son a chance. Both letters are bad.
Now what if the parents wanted to visit that same son and he wrote a similar letter to them?:
"Dear mom and dad, I love you. I am the same son you raised and loved. I didn't change with telling you I'm gay dad, YOU did.
I'd like to set some ground rules in my home before you come visit like you did for me in your house.
I don't want you to make my husband Pedro uncomfortable with talking about how you believe. Treat him with the same dignity and respect you treat Cathy's husband. I also expect you to go to a PFLAG meeting we have every Thursday at the community center. The leader of the meeting is an Evangelical pastor with a gay daughter and you guys should talk.
I want to constantly remind you while you're in my house that how you believe is contrary to my own faith in God. I belong to a gay affirming church that gives me love and acceptance with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I would love it if you and mom went to a service, but no pressure.
I would never cut you off like many do with their Christian parents who won't accept them being gay. Cathy and my brothers have no problem with me, it's only you and mom who do and the reason I don't pick up the phone more often when you guys call. I just don't want to hear all the judging when you aren't talking about my "lifestyle," whatever weird lifestyle you think that is.
You will always be my dad even if you didn't accept me. I will always love you and you and mom are always in my prayers.
Your loving (I know I'm your favorite) son,
P.S. Could you bring some Tommy's chili cheese burgers? We don't have a Tommy's in my state and you know how they're my favorite. Tell mom to pack warm, you know how she gets."
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