Showing posts with label Ravi Zacharias. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ravi Zacharias. Show all posts


Ravi Zacharias

On this blog I have lack of challenges with what I present on homosexuality and the Bible. If I present an argument, I expect for you to give me an answer to that argument point by point and not just telling me "You're wrong." I've been posting a lot on YouTube lately and I'd like to address some of the anti-gay points brought up by some of the most influential Christians out there. I'm not afraid to answer tough questions or give counter points even to these "Super Christians" because it's the Word of God that guides me, but I take my queue from God saying he will use the stupid and not the wise. The Bible says I am on equal footing with these Christians because no part of the Body of Christ is above the other (1 Cor. 12:22-25). So yes, they are not in a place that I don't have that same authority and that includes going right up and sitting at their lofty table. If you think I have a lot of gall to do this with the names in ministry you hold in such high esteem, too bad, bring it up to Paul who said I could. 

Ravi Zacharias is considered on of the greatest Christian apologist of our time. I give my answer
below the video I either posted in YouTube comments or for the first time here.

Sorry Ravi, but if you believe the majority who call Christ Savior are only concerned about homosexuality because they see "sexuality as sacred," you gloss over most Christians who have multiple divorces, on the Christian app version of Tinder, or Christians who have no problem with extramarital sex. If Ravi also thinks "race as sacred" was always a held belief, maybe he missed the episode of American history when God-fearing men had slaves with citing Paul in his Epistle to Philemon as justification. Same with justifying Christian white supremacy like renown 1800's theologian R.L. Dabney did in his watershed book "A Defense of Virginia and the South" that set the tone for the Church on how to treat black men and women for decades that is abhorrent to the Gospel of Christ.

A few other points...

Ravi's premise is faulty from the start when he states homosexuality is an aberration, according to whom? The animal kingdom where homosexuality is commonplace? The historical record of mankind were homosexuality was well-attested to in a neutral light? Bigoted dispositions of Bible translators and church tradition? Those mentions of "homosexuality" in the Biblical texts find nothing that speaks in the negative on the homosexual condition or practice IF kept in their context. If the Bible speaks nothing on homosexuality in and of itself, neither should we. If Christ speaks nothing in the negative on the condition of homosexuality, neither should we.

Ravi said God complimented Adam with woman (the actual Scripture says "mate") and put only in her what can cope with a man? In reality you cannot find two more foreign beings who are always attempting to understand each other than man and woman. Take away the sexual desire each has for each other and I doubt one would prefer to be with the opposite sex instead of the same sex for company sitting across from each other at a Mexican restaurant table. If there is anything called "complimentary" with one human with another it's with the same sex with common understandings, common dispositions, common interests and a slew of other commonalities on many levels. There's a reason the secular world came up with; "Men Are from Mars And Women Are from Venus." A transexual can have all the inner and outer characteristics of a female with the exception of having a penis, so by your definition, they can also compliment a man.

He says gays can be gays in disposition, they just shouldn't act on it and he brings up some writer who he thinks we should all have heard of. This man is asking gays to put on a yoke he would ask of no one else who desires the companionship of another human being, giving gays a burden that God never asked for or required. Since he brings up his author friend, let me bring up one of my own in contrast. William Stringfellow was a brilliant lawyer and Harvard graduate who gave up his career to defend poor blacks in the courts by the call of God in the 60's and lived in the slums of Harlem with the people he defended. Stringfellow's writings on the Apostle Paul's statement of "Principalities and Powers" is considered the best on the subject in most theological circles. Stringfellow was a gay man who lived with his lover during this time. He was no less of a Christian in action and no less a man of God than Ravi's celibate friend, yet Ravi will only see one as acceptable to God.

What I do find interesting is that he believes you can be gay and a Christian, just not practicing. I don't think he realizes how that wouldn't fly with most of his brethren who believe just even having the desire keeps you from salvation. He seems to not know that many churches affirm practicing gays (United Church of Christ, Presbyterian, Methodists, etc), so he doesn't have to worry about gays being in churches he calls home... for the time being. 

Update: 11/23/20
I only now found out Ravi passed from cancer complications several months ago. I have no doubt Ravi touched many and he will always be regarded as a great man of faith. That is why it grieved me with what he said on homosexuality that informed the opinions of countless. While he was talking about the "sacredness of sex," he was doing this

What he said in the above video will go through the fire when he stands before The Bema Seat of Christ and it will be burnt wood.

I have nothing more to say.

