
Less Summer, More Here



Triple Double Backflip.

Tobias Haller did a great article on how "Porneia" can't be used about homosexuality.
And what I wrote about it (in the comments).


Remember Trey? Now what?


Speaking of Progressive Christianity...

People assume I'm one because of my stance on homosexuality when I'm as traditional as an old Pentecostal pastor with saying "The Bible says it and I believe it!" Pretty much the definition of a traditionalist. But I wonder, how did a seemingly more loving Christianity called "Progressive Christianity" turn into chipping away at Bible inerrancy to where few pieces are left over? I think the fear traditionalists have is that this is a slippery slope of; "If we interpreted wrong about homosexuality, what else was interpreted wrong?" Undermining the reliability of the Bible when this is ONLY ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY WITH SPECIFIC VERSES and not a "type" of Christianity, progressive or otherwise. The Church had no problem revising their Biblical view with African-Americans. Some will say "but sexuality is not race," But it doesn't matter because there was no distinction with both from what was then an understanding of specific verses with only one group (African-Americans) being revisited with the verses later and the Biblical view changed. When these same people are asked to revisit the verses with the other group (homosexuals), they scoff at the very thought of it. My argument is; "The Bible didn't change, our understanding of it did." But this will only come about by sound hermeneutics without bias and real love for our LGBTQ neighbor.

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