
Voddie Baucham

One of the first people I went after on YouTube years ago was Voddie Baucham. Another nasty piece of work that says that homosexuality homosexuals had no choice in having, isn't the same with the color of his skin, that likewise, he had no choice in having and how dare you make the comparison! He's especially virulent with homosexuals who say they follow Christ without a conviction to turn from their sexuality. He said he's "Had enough of them!" Talking about gay men and women who claim to be born-again and who stay put in their sexuality literally makes him shake and sweat.

I refuted his nonsense of "Jesus never mentioned homosexuality, but He really did" on the Gospel Coalition YouTube channel and of course, they banned me. It, ironically, was one of the first channels I was banned from years ago. A badge of honor I still hold dear. 
I'm seeing him more and more of him on social media because like with Ravi Zacharias and other minority preachers in the Church? White Evangelicals think ethnic people have a special and mystical place with God. 
Surprisingly, some of Voddie's biggest critics are African-American Christians who are not happy with him dismissing accusations of racism in the Church as "Ethnic Gnosticism (?)" by those who make them. His warped views of the family home were glossed over by Christians for years. What forced them to stop looking the other way was this quote; 
"A lot of men are leaving their wives for younger women because they yearn for attention from younger women. And God gave them a daughter who can give them that." 
What?! I don't care what context this is in, no daughter should fill any void of a husband's needs that is not from his wife. And if you try to find excuses for him? You need to examine exactly just how far you will go with this man. Of course, anti-gay Christians are going to ignore these disturbing views because he's one of the loudest and most virulent leaders against homosexuality in the Church.

My response:

Porneia (harlotry) is not homosexuality by its every definition. All instances of porneia are about heterosexuality (heterosexual whoring, heterosexual prostitution, heterosexual adultery). 

Leviticus' homosexuality was idolatrous. Ask Voddie to explain why lesbianism is absent from the Leviticus verses that would make a general condemnation of homosexuality when women are in the other (incest, bestiality) verses? He couldn't tell you. The reason is that only males took part in these cult sexual practices, the only thing condemned in Leviticus that's carried over to Deuteronomy. The sexual prohibitions in Leviticus are carried over to Deuteronomy, only one isn't, Leviticus 18:22. Instead, we have the prohibition of the idolatrous homosexuality of the Qa-desh Priesthood that's carried over from Leviticus 18:22 to Deuteronomy 23:17. 

Jesus didn't talk about the "nature" of marriage other than two will become one flesh. He also talked about those who can't marry and those who won't. Why does Bad Voddie ("Bad Voddie" is what he calls his alter-ego that Voddie says is prone to violence. What?!) even need the Gospels when he can put the words of Leviticus in the mouth of Christ He never said? Obsolete Words (Heb. 8:13). 

Jesus was always eternal and a member of the Godhead, so? Voddie seems to not understand just how independent each member of the Godhead is. It was God the Father who said to kill the Amalekite children and sent demons to men because it was the time of the Father. It was God the Son who said do not keep the children from Him and cast out demons from men because it was the time of the Son. It was the time of the Holy Spirit when the Son left the Earth and sent the Holy Spirit in His place. Jesus said he judges no one in this life or the next, only the Father will judge all living and the dead on the Final Day. Not all knowledge is shared with each of the Godhead. Only God the Father has knowledge of the Son's return that is purposely kept from the Son. Not all actions are done by the Godhead. Jesus said to fear His Father who is the only one that can destroy your soul. Jesus said He speaks not as the Father, but only what the Father commanded him to say. Jesus did all that He did only by the power of the Holy Spirit and not by His own power. Voddie's understanding of the Godhead is a gross misunderstanding of the Godhead (Heb.7:12). It will never come out of his mouth that Jesus and the Holy Spirit conspired with the Father to send a bear to rip children apart who were calling Elisha "baldy," but he would have to with how he believes on the Godhead.
There's also one other problem with Voddie going to the Old Testament of the Father, it doesn't make a broad condemnation of homosexuality in Leviticus the Son would agree with. 

Sodom and Gomorrah weren't destroyed because of homosexuality, they were destroyed because of lack of hospitality to those needing it, which ironically, is what he's doing to homosexuals who seek the hospitality of the Church and what the Church is doing with migrants. Jesus agreed when He talked about the lack of hospitality. What He said His own disciples would also encounter, the actions of Sodom (Matthew 10:14,15).

"Homosexuality" in and of itself is not a sin Voddie and I challenge you to show otherwise with the verses in language and context. Romans 1 likewise is only in the context of idolatry unless you think all homosexuals worship "Images of man and crawling things... " 
Context is a big problem for you, isn't it buddy? 
You know absolutely nothing about original languages and you think CONTEXT is a board game.

Homosexuality 'harming' people is wishful thinking from you and I'm sure is something you would love to see. You see it as dehumanizing because YOU see homosexual acts as dehumanizing. Just say that's how you personally feel about homosexuality and stop making people believe that this feeling also comes from the Word of God! God made us in His image, man, and woman, so? Marriage isn't the essence of being made in the image of God (very poetic though Scripturally false), we are made in the image of God in our existing form with Adam being the first made in that image. 
You say homosexuality is "inhuman" and harms all of humanity and the existence of bees and our ocean coral reefs and reaches out with its cold clammy hands to destroy even the Gospel itself when God isn't looking. You went from being poetic to now being a real drama queen Voddie. You'd do great doing this riff at a 'Spoken Word Night" at the downtown coffee cafe. Let me ask you boo boo? Is a Godly institution of marriage made to benefit us? Or were we made for the benefit of it? (Mark 2:27). You might want to talk to the ancient Bible Patriarchs who had more than one wife and countless female concubines with the historical record saying male concubines were included in the mix.

I could go further with each point, but this is enough to show the error of your errors you do so well Bad Voddie.

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