
Bitter Hams

I don't know what is going on with anti-gay Christians and posting questions for people to answer as a gimmick. First Brown did; "6 Questions for a Gay Christian." Then DeYoung went hog wild with; "40 Questions for Christians Waving Rainbow Flags (see that little dig in the title?)." And now Brown is doing more questions because the well doesn't run dry yet with questions from these people. I think the questions need to stop because people aren't looking for questions, they're looking for answers.


Matthew Vines was brought up to me by someone and to be honest I don't know anything about what he believes. A while back I debated a man on YouTube who used James White* to refute Vines (on the "Mysteries Mary" post in the word ☁️ below).

White is a poor man's Robert Gagnon. The first thing out of White's mouth in the only debate I saw him in was a lie. He claimed the other written source at the time of Paul to use the word arsenokoite put the word in the context of homosexuality, it didn't. The source (Sibylline Oracles) used the word in talking about an injustice having nothing to do with sexuality. I also find out he isn't the scholar he claims to be. White calls himself "Doctor" and this Christian-based website addresses those in ministry who claim that title for themselves (White is a side reference). Now, White has actually talked about this and it's another perfect example of how good he is with turning the tables with an argument an opponent brings to his face. Instead of being defensive, he goes on the offensive with turning it back on the critic. White pointed out a critic was a Mormon (irrelevant, facts are facts), how he has more hours over the Mormon's own credit hours (again, irrelevant with the given) and he makes it sound like you're an elitist if you question on-line schools even though he has called out others on their own lack of schooling. White also mentions his degree from Fuller that is only honorary, Fuller being a "seminary" only taken seriously by anti-gay Evangelicals that prohibits homosexuality in the school's own "Community Standard's" Policy. The only other school White has received a degree from is "Grand Canyon University," another on-line school who by their own admission are on par with ITT Technical School.

I don't bother with a separate post refuting White.*

White has several YouTube accounts (Alpha/Omega Ministries, DrOakley1689, and probably others) he's disabled all comments on and states you cannot copy or redistribute any of his media. His bread and butter are debates because it's impossible to fact check him in real time.

*I've since changed my mind and wrote on White and what he said on the Roman 1 verses on the first page of my site that went viral all over the place


  1. Guys- popular vote, public sentiment, and modern views do not have any bearing on the authority of scripture. It does not matter who agrees or disagrees with the Author, it is a fixed revelation from mankind's only Creator on record, claiming to be your God who made you for HIS purposes, not yours. Now if that matters to you, you do not need to consider either James White or Matthew Vines- neither are authorized to mediate for you... in fact there is one man who mediates between God and man, the man Christ Jesus.... if you want to know what God means by what He has revealed, do not look to men for answers, God himself gives understanding and if it ends up changing your view, it's between you and Him- He strengthens the faithful and sets at liberty them that are captive. Trust your God, He literally died in your place so you don't have to suffer- He knows how to answer us, He knows what He is doing and He has let tons of shit slide to give us all a chance to seek Him. Men who claim to speak for Him are vain- you already know the answers because they are written in your heart. God would not have gone to the trouble of documenting something only a few men could understand... no, His word is there for each of us and He will explain it to you directly if you ask Him- not matthew vines or james white- but your God, ask Him. Peace courage mercy and wisdom to you all.

  2. Welcome Elissa. I really do appreciate your impassioned input because we need more dialogue this. I'd like to get right to your points.

    I'm assuming you're not personally happy with the SCOTUS ruling on gay marriage and what is the acceptance of homosexuality in the church body (following the acceptance of homosexuals in all aspects by the Presbyterian church, now I hear the Dutch Reformed Church accepts gay marriage) you may feel it goes counter to Scripture. My whole point of this blog is that it doesn't and I have shown that with flying colors.

    This is the problem with your main point. Your fixed revelation from what you believe is from God may not be MY fixed revelation, or the fixed revelation of another. We walk on dangerous ground when revelation, and I agree with you on this, or even our feelings dictate public sentiment or modern views if it take precedent over the words of the Bible, the only thing that tells us who our God is and about our Savior named Jesus who is the Son of that God. If the Bible really is the inspired Word of God, we need to know what is says with what the authors intended it to say with their words. Paul says we are to have a defense with how we believe and the only way we can accomplish this is by searching in those words.

    I don't see scholars on either side of this debate as "mediators" and I don't believe most people do. I do see people as being a type of "disciple"of scholars, but that's only because they are already set with what they believe with this debate, they just need a scholar to back them up.

    Whether we like it or not, the Bible has been influenced by men such as Bible translators who never claimed to be inspired men. So we have to deal with what men have said who have given us the Bible we read today. The book of Revelations gives a dire warning to those who would change the words of the Bible and that shows it is a very real possibility men can and have.

    These are beautiful words with trusting God who strengthens the faithful and liberates the captive and He WILL answer us Elissa, but the unavoidable fact is someone is wrong and someone is right in this "Homosexuality and the Bible" debate with what is a very real Heaven or Hell consequence. Both side have the conviction it is written in their hearts and both sides say from that place of conviction; "Thus sayeth the Lord."

    As for my house? I will choose the words of the Bible over the traditions of church and men and that will put me squarely on the side where I should be.

    God Bless You Elissa.
