
American Theologians and Bible Scholars who do not see an anti-gay reading from the Bible

Victor Paul Furnish, Professor Emeritus of New Testament, Yale University.

Laurel C. Schneider, Professor of Theology, Chicago Theological Seminary.

David L. Bartlett, Professor Emeritus of New Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary.

Virginia Burrus, Professor of Early Christianity, Drew University Theological School.

Jim Brownson, Professor of New Testament, Western Theological Seminary.

William McDonough, Associate Professor of Theology, St. Catherine University.

Dale B. Martin, Woolsey Professor of Religious Studies, Yale University.

J. Philip Wogaman, Professor Emeritus of Christian ethics, Wesley Theological Seminary.

Jennifer Knust, Associate Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins, Boston University.

Ted A. Smith, Assistant Professor of Ethics and Society, Vanderbilt Divinity School.

Ted Grimsrud, Professor of Theology, Eastern Mennonite University.

William O. Walker, Professor Emeritus of Religion, Trinity University.

William Schoedel, Professor Emeritus of Classics, University of Illinois

Dan O. Via, Professor Emeritus of New Testament, Duke University Divinity School.

David Brodsky, Associate Professor of Judaic Studies, Brooklyn College. 

James B. Nelson, Professor of Christian Ethics, United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. 

Jack Bartlett Rogers, Professor Emeritus of Theology, San Francisco Theological Seminary.

Saul Olyan, Professor of Judaic Studies and Professor of Religious Studies, Brown University.

William Stacy Johnson, Professor of Systematic Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary.

Frederick Parrella, Professor of Theology, Santa Clara University.

Phyllis A. Bird, Associate Professor of Old Testament Interpretation, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary.

Walter Brueggemann, Professor of Old Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary.

Eric Barreto, Professor of New Testament, Luther Seminary.

Gale A. Yee, Professor of Biblical Studies, Episcopal Divinity School.

Neil Elliott, Professor of New Testament Theology, United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities.

Alan F. Segal, Professor of Judaic Studies, Barnard University.

Jeffrey S. Siker, Professor of Theological Studies, Loyola Marymount University.

David Gushee, Professor of Christian Ethics, Mercer University.

Ken Stone, Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible, Chicago Theological Seminary.

Daniel Boyarin, Professor of Talmudic Culture, University of California at Berkeley.

Carl Trueman, Professor of Historical Theology and Church History, Westminster Theological Seminary.

L. William Countryman, Professor of New Testament, Divinity School of the Pacific in Berkeley.

Bernadette J. Brooten, Professor of Christian studies, Brandeis University.

David E. Fredrickson, Professor of New Testament, Luther Seminary.

George Riley Edwards, Professor of New Testament Studies, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

Robin Scroggs, Professor of Bible Theology, Union Theological Seminary.

David L. Balch, Professor of the New Testament, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary.

Orlando Espin, Professor of Systematic Theology, University of San Diego.

Walter Wink, Professor of Biblical Interpretation, Auburn Theological School.

Beverly Roberts Gaventa, Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Baylor University.

Marten H. Woudstra, Old Testament scholar, Calvin Theological Seminary.

Richard Hays, Professor of New Testament, Duke Divinity School.

Robert L. Brawley, Professor Emeritus of New Testament, McCormick Theological Seminary.

Karen Labacqz, Professor of Christian Ethics, Pacific School of Religion.

George R. Edwards, Professor of New Testament, Lousville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

Mark D. Jordan, Professor of Divinity, Harvard Divinity School.

Patrick S. Cheng, Assistant Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology, Episcopal Divinity School.

Steven Tuell, Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.

I didn't even tap into the Bible scholars worldwide who don't read the Bible as prohibitive of homosexuality or those who remain silent for fear of losing their employment.

I did this list back in 2014. Now I can't keep up with affirming theologians. Though it is enough for Robert Gagnon to admit his view with the Bible and homosexuality is now in the minority (that must sting).

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