

I'm not going to be so presumptuous by thinking I know more about what Jews believe on their passages than they do.
They have lived in their G-d uttered Holy Words for thousands of years with commentary stacked on commentary on those words for almost as long. They should only be the ones to speak on them and not the new "Assembly" living in a New Covenant.

I have also never given the passages much attention in a study like I have on the NT passages because I see their passages as not binding to Believers, so why would I care about them when I have a bright and glorious walk of faith to walk? I am not an ancient Israelite entering the land of Canaan, so why would I think these verses are for me? Laws Paul said are dead to me in the New Birth?

So take what you will with what I give here. And Brethren? Leave their own words to them and only go to the words given you. We don't have a lot of time here to be making their business ours.

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