It should go something along the lines of this:
"I was always taught to believe homosexuality was wrong because of what the Bible says. I'll be honest in saying that because it doesn't affect me, I haven't looked closely at how some Scriptures have been interpreted in the way they have. Whether you are a Christian or not, I'm still obligated to love you as myself because Jesus commanded me to, unconditionally. I can't deny you secular marriage because I won't deny it for myself. I won't make false statements using terms like "lifestyle" or "agenda" or use words to demean you because it's not Christ-like for me to speak to you in that way, again, that's not loving you as myself. God didn't put me on His throne to judge what I see as your sin while claiming to still love you. The truth is the Church in many ways has reacted to homosexuality it should repent of. I know I don't have this strong feeling for someone who's living a life God wouldn't be happy with, so maybe I do have a prejudice I'm not seeing in myself. I want to be like my Savior more and more each day and that can only happen if I repent of how I've been with this."
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I absolutely LOVE your Christ-Like heart!
Would you be open to guest posting this on my blog??? If you are, I don't know how a guest post works because I am not technologically savvy, so you would have to walk me through how that works! I would love this on my blog, to share with my viewers! & also AMEN!
I'd love to exchange a guest posting, you'll write on mine and visa versa. You can link THIS post by highlighting and click 'copy' on my http address at the very top, go into your own blog like you're going to write a new post, write an intro for me, highlight a word, and click on 'link' in the tool bar, a separate window will pop up, paste my http that you just copied on where it says "Web Address" and press O.K.
I've never done guest posting before. There are two ways we can do this.
You send me what you want to write by e-mail, I introduce you and maybe write a little about who you are. You say something about being a guest poster, say what you want and I that's it. If you want to have free reign on my blog (like if you also want to add a pic) we can do this:
I'll leave it up to you on how you want t do this.
Fabulous! Okay so I copied the above address, I will give it a go & let you know how it works. Also I'll send you a post and we'll go from there. How can I send it to you via email??? I know that sounds silly but I don't think that I have your email address? Also I'll try sending it through the http: that you have left here. I'll try???
I'm excited, I've never done this before!
Be Blessed!
My e-mail is Did the link to this post work?
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