
in a nutshell

Sodom had nothing to do with homosexuals other than to have a side note about rape that broke the ancient life and death code of hospitality. The Interpretation backed by all ancient Hebrew writings, Ezekial, and Jesus in Matthew.

Leviticus was only for the bloodline of Jacob while they were among the Canaanites, not "rules" for those in the new birth. Paul says it over and over again that Leviticus are dead laws to us.

Romans 1 is about idolatry (tip-off: Paul deliberately paraphrasing chapter 14 of the book "Wisdom of Solomon" from top to bottom, all about idolatry). Context.

You don't have to go outside of the Bible narrative to understand what "effeminate" (Malakoi) means in 1 Cor 6:9 when Jesus uses the same word to indict the character of the rich for their extravagance with clothing in Matt 11:8.

And even if the word (Arsenokoitai) translated in 1 Cor 6: 9,10 and 1 Tim 1:9, as "homosexuals" is a compound word from Leviticus, Leviticus is only talking about one, specific, sexual act (according to the writings of the ancient Israelites who existed in those laws) and puts it in the context of the idolatrous homosexuality of the Canaanites in verse 21 while ignoring female homosexuality altogether.

Jude echoes back to the Sodomites wanting the "strange flesh" of the Heavenly visitors and not the "same flesh" of the same sex.

Now have a good night's sleep.

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