
Against Nature

Homosexuality is said to be against nature because it goes against the natural order of a man with a woman.  

But celibacy goes against the nature of heterosexual human desire given to us by God, undermines the traditional family unit and if everyone became celibate (like the argument is with homosexuality) the world would die out. Celibacy goes against God's command to; "Be fruitful and multiply." Yet Jewish tradition says Moses chose to be celibate after his encounter with God. John the Baptist was also celibate. Paul said to prefer celibacy to marriage like himself and Christ lived that example as did the Disciples who weren't already married prior to meeting Jesus according to Tertullian. The early church fathers advocated celibacy over marriage. Celibacy is the ideal way of existing according to the New Testament because Paul said the attention you would give your spouse, would instead go to God. So where is this emphases on marriage and the "family" Jesus Himself downplays (Matthew 12:46-50)? The Bible says there is no marriage or procreation in Heaven and this shows the lack of importance Christ gave to this now and in the next world.