
The Mysterious "Mary"

About 6 or 7 years ago I posted in the comments on a YouTube channel of a man who was a follower of James White. Unlike most of White's followers, this guy was civil and even conceded to points I made in correcting White's arguments. The second day a person named "Mary" showed up in the comments and it was like someone kicked the doors down that shook the dust off the rafters.

Next thing I know, this person is going after me who knew Paul's Greek and was debating me on a high level of a scholar for literally a week. We would copy and paste what lengthy paragraphs each other wrote and then give a lengthy refute and this went on with what seemed endless writing for hours in a day, at least from me. Two days alone were spent on debating one word with finally conceding I was right and then acting like it was never debated with going right to the next argument.

What's strange is between all of this (did I mention this went on for a week?) "Mary" would say odd things like; "Oh, I have to make cookies for my church bake sale and I'll get back to you" or some other off the wall strangeness that started to make me suspicious if this was even a female. Then it started to sink in; "Is "Mary" James White?"

This person giving me an exhaustive debate of a scholar at breakneck speed on top of spiting off koine Greek to me while cleaning their oven (another thing "she" literally said) and baking cookies is suspiciously not looking like the person they're representing to be. Later I even said; "You really aren't a harried housewife making cookies, are you?" Because at that point I was convinced I was right and this person, whomever it was, didn't deny it or ask why I would ask that like a normal person would or even act surprised when I just came out and said it. It was also odd that when this person would let their anger got the better of them, they'd lashed out at me with talking like a brutish man.

Now I know White has multiple YouTube channels under different names he's openly on, so why wouldn't he have YouTube accounts under other names he could snoop around in the comment sections about him, engage people, and just leave if he isn't winning a debate with no one knowing it was him? I also find out later this was White's "style" of debating (beating a dead horse over one word or point or reams and reams of debate). White also loves his stereotypes (I wrote about what he wrote about an African-American boy in a prior post), so him talking like he was a stereotypical housewife persona from the 60s, how "Mary" spoke, wouldn't be isn't a stretch. 

I wouldn't throw it past White to take on this persona just so he can feed his bloated ego, what even people close to him admit he has, in the comments section of YouTube and runs away when he doesn't win the arguments. 

I ended the debate because I warned this person if they kept insulting me personally with calling me "crazy" and "delusional" instead of sticking with the topic (White also loves to go to personal insults) our discussion would end because I had enough of these personal attacks. Sure enough this individual couldn't help themselves with saying my parents were probably ashamed of me with me saying; "We're done!" 

After Daniel Helminiak debated Robert Gagnon, he related on his site how it was like having something similar to Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome afterwards (PTS). I knew exactly how he felt. It's not that Mary/White or Gagnon are right, it's how they debate. The best arguments countering Gagnon and White, mine included, is to take away their power in a debate setting they've mastered and slowly chiseling away at their arguments.

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